Cable Television
New technological advances provide
hundreds of programming options. Each system is customized to meet
the demands of the residents to allow small and large properties to
receive high quality cable service. Nova Cable maintains key
alliances with programmers to keep costs competitive. Click
here for more information
and to sign-up.
Digital Cable
Digital cable provides crystal
clear pictures and compresses the signal to allow for even more
programming through the existing cable line. New technology makes it
possible to offer additional services such as Pay Per View and
Premium Channel Multiplexing for all size systems. Customers rent a
receiver and immediately have access to hundreds of additional
programming options. Click
here for more information
and to sign-up.
High Speed Internet
Cable Modems offer up to ten times
the speed of dial up connection. As consumers become accustomed to
the capability of high speed internet, customers will demand fast,
efficient internet access. Nova Cable offers these services through
the cable line already in place without the need for additional
telephone lines or tying up existing phone lines. Click
here for more information
and to sign-up.

Additional Services
With a broadband system from Nova
Cable, you can provide your own local information channel. Community
announcements, office hours, bulletin board and even advertising can
be provided at your fingertips. The system can be set up in your
office making for easy access. Nova Cable can also provide your
property with security channels at gate entrances, doorways and
around the complex. Residents can even check who is at their door
and then buzz them in.